Trump reveals Mexico migrant plan by waving document around

US President Donald Trump has inadvertently revealed some details of his immigration deal with Mexico.

Speaking to reporters, he refused to give details of the plans to curb migration, saying that he wanted to let Mexico announce it “at the right time”.

However, he said this while waving around a single sheet of paper that had the details of the deal written on it.

As a result, the contents of the sheet were then captured in photographs taken by news media.

The document contained references to a regional asylum plan, which would involve several Latin American countries processing migrants’ asylum claims in order to stave off US tariffs.

This plan had already been partly announced Mexican Foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard on Monday.

The document also referred to “45 days”, and said Mexico had committed to immediately examining its laws in order to enable it to become a “safe third country” if need be.

What has Mexico said about the deal?

On Monday, Mr Ebrard said that Mexico has 45 days to show it is able to stem the flow of US-bound migrants by strengthening its southern border.

It is now deploying 6,000 National Guard personnel to the border with Guatemala.

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